Federal City Council Initiatives

How We Work

By carefully cultivating a small number of initiatives, the FC2 drives change and yields significant civic dividends. We are guided by the vision and expertise of our Trustees. Through our initiatives, we enlist stakeholders from across the private sector, the non-profit community, the federal government and the D.C. government to advance the District of Columbia, its economy and its people.

District Strong

City leaders coming together to identify solutions to Washington, DC’s biggest social and economic challenges.

Transportation & Infrastructure

Supporting transportation projects such as the revitalization of Union Station, WMATA reform and the Georgetown to Metrorail Transit Enhancement Study.

Education and Workforce

Supporting high-quality school facilities and a strong labor market for DC residents.

Washington Housing Initiative

Forging partnerships to cultivate community-minded enterprises.

Emerging Leaders Program

Empowering up and coming city leaders to make informed decisions on DC’s challenges and areas of opportunity.