Washington Union Station Expansion Project (SEP) Delivery and Governance Study

Accelerating Washington Union Station’s Transformation

InfrastructureDC is thrilled to announce the completion of the one-year Washington Union Station Expansion Project (SEP) Delivery and Governance Study. InfastructureDC is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering investment in the public infrastructure of the District of Columbia. We are thrilled to unveil the strategic plan and crucial next steps outlined in the Study, aimed at propelling the SEP forward and ushering in a transformative era for Washington Union Station. We invite you to explore the Study’s comprehensive insights and join us in shaping the future of Washington Union Station.

Together, we can realize a modernized, inclusive and vibrant transportation hub that serves as a beacon of progress for generations to come.

See the FRA’s animated video of the SEP vision here.

What Does the Study Offer?

The Study, conducted in collaboration with key stakeholders and spearheaded by InfrastructureDC, delivers vital recommendations to optimize the Washington Union Station Expansion Project. Among these recommendations are:

  • Affirmation of USRC’s Role: Designating the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation (USRC) as the Project Sponsor, aligning with the Federal Railroad Administration’s (FRA) directives.
  • Framework for Evolution: A roadmap for USRC’s evolution throughout the project’s Final Design and Construction stages to enhance coordination, efficiency, and funding.
  • Regional Integration: Integration of Maryland and Virginia into USRC’s governance and project development activities, fostering broader regional participation and support.

Why is the SEP Vital?

The Washington Union Station Expansion Project stands as a pivotal opportunity to revitalize the region’s busiest multimodal transportation hub. By modernizing and reconstructing crucial infrastructure, the SEP will:

  • Enhance Connectivity: Improving connections between District neighborhoods, bolstering economic competitiveness, and fostering a vibrant, accessible urban environment.
  • Catalyze Economic Development: Generating substantial economic activity, job creation, and supporting equitable economic development initiatives in the District and surrounding regions.
  • Support Federal Operations: Facilitating efficient and safe transit for federal workers, enhancing the federal workforce’s ability to attract and retain talent.

Advisory Group Quotes

  • Nina Albert, Deputy Mayor for Planning and Economic Development and USRC Board Chair:Washington Union Station is second only to New York City’s Penn Station for Amtrak ridership nationwide, not to mention its historic significance and central location in the Washington region. The redevelopment of Union Station is long-awaited and highly necessary to ensure reliable rail access along the Eastern seaboard. This report articulates how to align the federal, local, and Amtrak interests to move forward on this important project. The District has committed more than $300 million toward the reconstruction of H Street Bridge, which unlocks the station’s modernization plans. We look forward to working with the Union Station Redevelopment Corporation and all our partners on this generational transformation.”
  • Polly Trottenberg, Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of Transportation: “Now, USDOT, along with other stakeholders, must work together to support USRC and create a successful governance model for the station’s operations and future expansion.”
  • Stephen Gardner, CEO of Amtrak: “The SEP is necessary to address current demand and growth of a regional, multimodal transportation system.”

For media inquiries please contact Laura Miller Brooks, FC2’s Director of Transportation and Infastructure, at lmillerbrooks@federalcitycouncil.org