Notice of Request for Proposals, January 26th 2023

Seeking Consultant for Union Station Project Delivery and Governance Study

InfrastructureDC seeks to engage a consultant team to conduct the Union Station Project Delivery and Governance Study. This study will identify the most advantageous operating model for the Union Station Expansion Project’s (USEP) oversight, implementation, and financing of the project. InfrastructureDC issued the RFP for this study on Thursday, January 26th, 2023, and seeks to have a consultant team selected by the end of March 2023, with work on the study beginning in April 2023. All inquiries about the Union Station Project Delivery and Governance Study can be emailed to Laura Miller Brooks (

About InfastructureDC (IDC)

InfrastructureDC (IDC) is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, that lessens the burdens of the government of the District of Columbia, and enhances economic competitiveness and quality of life in the District of Columbia by increasing and accelerating investment in public infrastructure and through the development of municipal facilities. IDC was incubated by The Federal City Council (FC2), a 501c3 organization committed to the improvement of the District of Columbia, as an infrastructure development catalyst that specializes in identifying project delivery and innovative financing options for sustainable infrastructure projects in the District of Columbia

About the Union Station Delivery Study

IDC has been directed to do this work based on the DC FY 23 Budget Support Act. The final language can be found on p.32, lines 615-634 of B24-0714, and reads as follows: 

Subtitle 1. Union Station Expansion Project Delivery and Governance Study; Sec 2081. This subtitle may be cited as the “Union Station Expansion Project Delivery and 619 Governance Study Grant Act of 2022”. Sec. 2082. 

(a) Notwithstanding the Grant Administration Act of 2013, effective December 24, 2013 (D.C. Law 20-61; D.C. Official Code § 1-328.11 et seq.), in Fiscal Year 2023, the Office of Planning shall award a grant of not less than $1 million to InfrastructureDC for the purpose of partnering with local, regional, and federal stakeholders to conduct a project delivery and governance Study for the implementation of the Union Station Expansion Project (USEP). 

(b) The Study shall include recommendations for:   

(1)A preferred organizational structure for executing the USEP, including roles, responsibilities, and resources for implementation and organizational capacity requirements for each entity to fulfill its role. 

(2)The legal, legislative, and financial steps necessary to enable, establish, and resource the recommended organizational structure; and 

(3)A high-level financial and business plan for the execution of the USEP.